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Image of a mural at The Preuss School

Dear Preuss School Learning Community,

Welcome to The Preuss School UC San Diego! We are thrilled to embark on the 2024-2025 academic year with our dedicated parents, enthusiastic scholars, and passionate educators. As we begin this new journey, we want to share our vision for the year ahead and highlight some essential updates.
At The Preuss School UC San Diego, we are committed to providing a rigorous and nurturing learning environment that empowers our scholars to reach their full potential. Our mission is to prepare scholars from underserved communities for success in college and beyond, fostering a love for learning, critical thinking, and social responsibility.

Updates for the 2024-2025 Academic Year:
New Perimeter Security: The work started at the end of last school year and has wrapped up. The Preuss School has new perimeter fencing, which includes a new key card security system for all gates and classroom doors. New this year, visitors must be granted campus access by the central office staff to pass the security gate.
Teachers who will teach new courses: This year, Mrs. Garcia (AP English / Senior Research Instructor) will teach Drama as we build a return to stage production. Ms. Griffith will teach Broadcast Journalism as we develop our Preuss News Network. Dr. Chittuluru will add an Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles course to our Advanced Placement Computer Science offering. Mr. Fozi will take over our engineering program this coming year, which will include pre-engineering & design and principles of engineering courses.
New Teachers and Staff to The Preuss School: We welcome several new faculty and staff members who joined our Preuss family this year: Alliya Eid, Mathematics teacher; Lourdes Flores, Science teacher; Sara Pizzo, English teacher; Holly Stipe, English teacher; Thuy Nguyen, Human Resource Assistant; and Stephanie Tonnaer, Executive Assistant, have been hired to date. We anticipate a few more hires as the year progresses.

Important Dates:
  • First Day of School: August 7, 2024
  • Saturday Enrichment Academy (an opportunity for all Preuss scholars to receive individual and small group tutoring, reinforce skills, and complete homework assignments)
    • August 24, 2024
    • September 14, 2024
    • September 28, 2024
    • October 12, 2024
    • November 2,2024
    • November 16, 2024
    • December 7,2024
    • January 11, 2025
    • February 8, 2025
    • February 22, 2025
    • March 8, 2025
    • March 22, 2025
    • April 19, 2025
    • May 3, 2025
    • May 17, 2025
    • June 7, 2025
  • August 22, 2024: Back to School Night
  • 1st Mid-Semester Progress Reports distributed September 25 & 26, 2024
  • NO SCHOOL: October 4,2024
  • 2nd Mid-Semester Progress Reports Distributed November 13 & 14, 2024
  • 1st Semester Final Report Cards mailed home January 24, 2025
  • PTA General Meetings (9:30 a.m.- 11 a.m.) at The Preuss School, Walton Center
    • August 24, 2024
    • September 28, 2024
    • October 12, 2024
    • November 2,2024
    • December 7,2024

Parent involvement is crucial to a child's academic success. This year, we will continue to foster strong relationships between parents and teachers, offering various opportunities for engagement and collaboration. If you are interested in learning about parent volunteering opportunities, please join a PTA committee and/or contact Ms. Vanessa Munoz with any questions regarding becoming a regular volunteer. She can be reached via email ( or phone (858-822-0020).

We are looking forward to an exciting and productive academic year. Working together, we aim to create a community where every scholar feels valued, respected, and inspired to achieve greatness. Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education. Let's make this year one of growth, discovery, and success for all!

Once again, welcome to The Preuss School UC San Diego's 2024-2025 academic year!

Matthew Steitz Ed.D.
Principal serving The Preuss School UC San Diego