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Volunteer tutors and mentors play a significant role in our students’ success. Learn more about each of these opportunities below.
The Preuss School is both a middle and high school, with classes taking place from 8:55 am - 4:00 pm. Each school year we look for dedicated volunteer tutors and interns who want to make a difference in the lives of our students. We do not require a certain number of minimum hours from our volunteers, as we appreciate any service time you are able to volunteer.
Tutor positions are available in many classroom subjects such as English, math, science, history, and spanish.
Internships are available in various departments including Finance, Student Services, and Registrar. Interns do not work directly with students, but they insteat provide assistance with data entry, filing, updating documents, and/or help with organizing events.
Click here to complete the Preuss Volunteer Application |
Informative Slideshow: Preuss Tutor, Intern, and Parent Volunteer Clearance Process
These are the screening requirements that every volunteer has to complete prior to the first day of volunteering:
Schedule an appointment with the Volunteer Coordinator for a new tutoring assignment or if you are returning to the same assignment.
Click here to view the Mentor Program Brochure.
Haga click aqui para leer el folleto del programa de mentoría en español.
Bấm vào đây để xem Brochure Chương trình Cố vấn bằng tiếng Việt.
Members of the community—faculty included—serve as mentors for Preuss students. Mentors act in a capacity of role model, teacher and friend to encourage and motivate students to reach their educational and personal goals. The exchange between the pair is educational for both, as each person brings their own unique experiences to the exchanges. Mentors are paired with one student based on common hobbies, career interests, and goals for the mentoring relationship.
Meetings take place for 30-45 minutes on the school's campus for a period of at least one year. In most cases the mentor/mentee relationship continues for several more years, often until the scholar graduates and beyond.
Informative Slideshow: Preuss Mentorship Program Clearance Process
MentorCore is our online database where mentors are able to log in their mentoring hours and update their contact information: https://mentors.mentorcore.com/preuss/index.php?action=userLogin
Fill out the Mentee Application.
Come see the Volunteer Coordinator in the main office to obtain a student permission slip for the Preuss Mentorship Program to be signed by a parent/guardian. We must have this permission slip on file before we can place you in the program.
If you have any questions, please email preussvolunteer@ucsd.edu
For more information on Preuss volunteer opportunities, please contact the Preuss Volunteer Coordinator or call (858) 822-0020.