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Thank you for your interest in

The Preuss School UC San Diego!


Applications for fall 2025 are now closed.


Las solicitudes para el otoño de 2025 están cerradas.



The Admissions Process


There are typically more eligible applicants than space available, so the School holds a random public lottery.

Those students not selected will be placed on a waiting list in accordance with the lottery. Students on the waiting list will be considered if a space becomes available. Please keep in mind that due to limited space, admission cannot be guaranteed.

Please note that if a waitlisted applicant is not admitted for the academic year they applied for, they will be required to resubmit a new application in order to be considered for the following year.

All 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade applicants will initially go to a waitlist. Families will be notified as spots become available. Space in these grades is not guaranteed.

Admissions Application- Apply Here

Applications for Fall 2025 opens August 1st, 2024

For instructions on how to fill out the online application click here. Click here to fill out an online application.

When submitting an application through SchoolMint, you will receive automatic email and text notifications/confirmations.

For 6th grade applicants, preference is applied for students who are low-income, will be the first generation in their family to graduate from a four-year college or university, and for students from the San Diego Unified School District. Income verification is needed for low-income preference to be applied.

For 7th through 12th grade applicants, sibling preference is offered if they have a current blood or adopted sibling enrolled at The Preuss School.


Las solicitudes para el otoño de 2025 abre 1 de agusto 2024

Para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo completar la solicitud en línea, haga clic aquí. Haga clic aquí para completar una solicitud en línea.

Al enviar una solicitud a través de SchoolMint, recibirá notificaciones y confirmaciones automáticas por correo electrónico y texto.

Para los solicitantes de sexto grado, se aplica preferencia para estudiantes de bajos ingresos, será la primera generación en graduarse de un colegio o universidad de cuatro años, y para estudiantes que viven dentro el Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Diego. La verificación de ingresos es necesaria para que se aplique la preferencia de bajos ingresos.

Para los solicitantes en los grados 7 – 12, la preferencia de hermanos está disponible si el solicitante tiene un hermano de sangre o adoptado actualmente inscrito en La Escuela Preuss.


Admission Events

To schedule a campus tour, please contact: Preuss Admissions

Phone: 858-822-0408