- Graduation Requirements
- Middle School
- College & Career Advising
- Student Services
Middle School Academic Expectations
All middle school students are expected to have a satisfactory GPA and receive passing grades in all core classes. In addition, they must maintain strong attendance and citizenship to participate in extracurricular activities. Middle school students at The Preuss School have the opportunity to take high school coursework (i.e. Spanish and Integrated Math). If students do not pass with a grade of “C” or better, they may need to repeat the course for credit during the following academic year.
Counselors will notify students and parents via email/phone if their student is not on-track with middle school expectations. Students may be placed on a Personal Academic Contract (PEC) and families will be invited to meet with the student’s counselor and advisory teacher to identify factors that are preventing the student from being successful and to develop a plan for improvement. Every effort will be made to ensure academic success and grade level achievement.
High School Graduation Requirements
Students must complete 270 credits in the following subject areas to qualify for The Preuss School UC San Diego High School diploma:
Subject Area History/Social Science English Mathematics Laboratory Science Foreign Language Visual and Performing Arts Physical Education/EHS UCSD EAOP Senior Seminar Senior Exhibition/Wheel Electives Total Credits to Graduate |
Credits Required 30 40 30 30 20 10 20 10 10 70 270 |
In addition to meeting all The Preuss High School UC San Diego graduation requirements above, all students are required to:
See the Course Descriptions and Educational Planning resource for additional information on course offerings.